I've never been to Europe before--or even transferred on a plane before--so I'm going through some mixed emotions right now. Since I don't know exactly how to prepare myself for what's about to come (or how to stop the butterflies in my stomach), I've been spending my time enjoying my new camera (a Panasonic Lumix) by taking Roxy for a walk around PV and then again with my parents.
Did I mention how much I love my new camera? I can't believe how great the photos on it turned out, and I'm hoping it will help to motivate me to consistently blog about my Prague experience. I'm going to miss being home and my family so much, but for now I've armed myself with travel guides and Czech phrases to last me the plane ride.
I have a 4:30 am wake up call so it's time to go shower and head to bed, but I'm excited (and incredibly nervous) about my new adventure! Next stop Praha!